Department of

Applied Science & Humanities

The Department of Applied Science and Humanities prepares students for core engineering branches by educating them in the basic science theories and basic management principles that are indispensable for the engineering community. Students use mathematics to understand and solve engineering problems. Physics is crucial to understand the world around us. Physics encompasses the study of the universe from the largest galaxies to the smallest subatomic particles. Like Physics, many of engineering subjects depend on chemistry. Students receive training in written and verbal communication essential to succeed in the work place.


Non Teaching Staff
Labs & Facilities

M.Sc. Statistics.

IQAC coordinator KMCTCE, Over 23 years of academic experience, Over 19 years academic experience at KMCT CE.

M.Sc. Statistics, M.Sc. Mathematics.

Over 17 years of academic experience, Over 14 years academic experience at KMCT CE, Over 3 years of experience at calicut university centre.

Positions Held - PTA Secretary KMCT CE.

M.Sc. Mathematics, B.Ed. Mathematics.

Close to 7 years of academic experience.

Chemistry Lab

Physcis Lab



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